A 5 by 5 cm burns (deep partial thickness at the central and more superficial, partial thickness at the periphery) are created using a radiant healing device symmetrically on both sides of the pig adjacent to the vertebral spine. Immediately after burn infliction the burned epidermal layer consisting of keratin (which is equivalent to the “blisters” that normally form in humans) is gently wiped with soaked with saline saturated gauze.
The most accepted animal model for studying the healing of burns is the pig, due to the resemblance of its skin to that of humans. An advantage of this model is that the heating source does not come into direct contact with the animal, and the heat dispersion surrounding its center is relatively consistent in depth, size and location, therefore the effect of manipulation and burn treatment on wound healing outcome can easily accomplished. The model has been used by companies for the development of the enzymatic debridement agents.