Pig Model For CARPA- Complement Activation-Related Pseudo Allergy to evaluate the safety of drug delivery formulations, carriers, liposomal formulations and lipid excipients.

The pig is useful as a model for human physiology and pathophysiology, because many organ systems resemble those of the human. In addition, according to previous publication the use of the porcine CARPA model as a screening test for the in vivo reactogenicity of different i.v. medications in an occasional hypersensitive individual, has unique advantages compered to currently applied approaches of reactogenicity prediction. In particular, its high sensitivity reduces the risk of false negative result

Zymosan was established as a positive control. The end points are: Saturation, Heart Rate – HR, Temperature, End Tidal Co2 – ETCo2, Pulmonary Arterial Pressure – PAP, Cardiac Output – CO, Systemic Arterial Pressure – SAP, Systemic Vein Pressure – SVP, Left Ventricular End Diastolic Pressure – LVEDP.


CARPA model in domestic pigs is a platform for biomedical research of nanomedicine CARPA effects.

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